I started this company because as an artist I literally just wanted to make sure I owned what I created.  I knew the best way to secure that mission in music was via publishing.  Often I've gotten asked why don't I just start a record label instead of a publishing company?  Well, first of all I don't like labels not as in record labels but, I don't like being "labeled" or having "labels" put on me.  Secondly, why would I start a record label when everything I can do with a record label I can get accomplished with this publishing company & probably much more.  Thus, Shaboodahmans Publishing House LLC was created.

 Shaboodahman was derived from a childhood nickname,  Shaboo in which the artist name Boodah(the Emcee) came.  Growing up friends and others in the neighborhood would say things like Shaboo "the man" when it comes to that rap stuff.  In the midst of Shaboo & Boodah  those names were just combined to form Shaboodahmans Publishing House. 

Not only do we cover the publishing rights for any & all things Boodah the Emcee,  but we also cover publishing for many other artist and producers as well.  We offer publishing for artist & producers,  ghostwriting,  and production for Hip Hop,  R&B,  and many alternative genres.  Aside from music its a number of publications like blogs,  vlogs,  podcast,  videos,  books,  etc.,  that'll be released under the banner of Shaboodahmans Publishing House.  This platform was created for artist's ownership of the art they create.  It was created out of genuine love for the music.  For more than half of my life I've put blood,  sweat,  tears,  &  money into the music and wanted to leave a legacy of  ownership to go along with the timeless music we create &  publish.  I humbly invite you to take this journey with us...……………….Peace!!!!!!!